Saturday 25 January 2014

Stitched heart

 About a year or so ago I drew a heart sewn together, I'm going to guess it was inspired by the amount of cross stitching I was doing at the time.

If I remember correctly I was drawing this in a class when I wasn't paying attention haha ^^
Looking back at it now I still liked the design of it still, but the quality of it was not... very... good...
So moving stuff around slightly, and totally re-inking and re-colouring everything I ended up with a result I was much happier with!


Tuesday 21 January 2014

Feather hair

After having a month of hardly any motivation or ideas for drawing I finally got something. I was listening to some Florence and the Machine for the first time in some years and I thought of a nature themed piece that was going to be a vector style piece. What I was originally aiming for was one of those hair flip things in water, something like this...

But after trying to draw it out, it proved to be harder than first thought (not helped by the fact I was using a new program 'PaintTool SAI')...

So instead of throwing it away another idea came to me...

Trying to form more of a shape for the 'parrot
like' hairstyle, along with trying to
add new colours to the face and neck.
I actually had the sketch of the head from
another abandoned drawing idea, lucky
in the sense I didn't have to draw a head
again :) Pretty much putting down some
base colours here.

I worked on the face mostly as I began
because I was dreading when I had
to work on the hair properly...
Finished mostly on the face, added piercings
because piercings are awesome.

I'm no pro at this program or drawing feathers...
Put the two together and you get this...
They more look like leaves to me, there's
always room to improve.

After struggling through the rest of the hair I added some effects in Photoshop and edited
the brightness in places until I was happy with it.
And it's finished!


Friday 17 January 2014

Opening an etsy shop!

In the year 2014 I have set myself a new goal to attempt to sell some of my works.
So here it is!

So far I have put up my phone cover for 75p (digital download) if you would like to support my works. I hope throughout this year to build up on my art skills, confidence and portfolio. I also hope for this year to get this blog active with current up to date works, I am currently working on a few!

As a bonus I have set up a deviantART account in an attempt to spread my work around, as with this blog I hope to regularly update this too!

Here's to a productive new year!
