One of my new favorite things to do as of recently is grab a bunch of watercolour paints and throw them at a piece of paper. When I have cleared up I was just left with a mess of dripping paints on a sheet, that wasn't enough.
So I broke out the pencils and fine liners and got to work...
I chose an animal that had large areas of black to do all kinds of weird patterns
in. Fun yet time consuming. |
I didn't intend on doing a second piece like this but I did quite enjoy doing
the first one and I got a positive response back from people I showed it too.
Sketching the animal out first, I try to focus mainly on the outline and dark patterns of the fur (or whatever I choose at the time). Rubbing out the initial sketch lightly I can then go over the 'final' lines with a 4H pencil. Then I go crazy with paints and normally make a huge mess of water everywhere. After the chaos is over and the paint has dried I can get to work using the 4H pencil again to draw the patterns on. Then it's just a matter of using fine liners, normally 0.2 - 0.1 sizes. And that's pretty much it.
I have an art exhibition coming up soon in a local cafe, which I hope to try and sell these pieces (and other things... hopefully). So I guess it's time for me to stop being lazy and try finish some half-done works.