Monday 9 December 2013

Drawing up a phone cover

After mindlessly browsing Youtube hoping for songs to inspire some kind of inspiration for drawing I found a remix put together by melodysheep as part of their series 'Symphony of Science' about black holes. After listening to it for a few times ideas slowly formed in my head, an idea to design a phone case for myself. I wanted to keep the design simplistic with bold, bright colours as that's the kind of style I'd normally choose when drawing. I decided to show some of the pictures leading up to the final piece instead of just showing a finished image for once...

Link to: MONSTERS OF THE COSMOS - Symphony of Science


I loved sketching this, it isn't what I'd normally
draw, sometimes it's nice to work with
these abstract shapes.
I had no idea how to colour this at first.
My first idea was this 'sketchy' look.
But it was time consuming and I didn't
like how it looked after finishing one side.

I wanted some more on this image than just the
'black hole' itself so I planned out some rough
additions around it.
After some thought I decided to use solid
colours, working from light pink to a deep
purple adding some light gradients in there.

I decided I liked it better without anything
inside the hole.
White dots done properly.

And after some playing around with different effects in Photoshop CS6 I found combinations I liked.
So here's the finished product!
